Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What about the "X"?

Europeans in the 16th century started using "X" in the place of Christ's name as shorthand for writing Christ. The Christian monks and scholars were knowledgeable of the Greek letter "X", - Chi or Khi - which is the first letter in the Greek word "Christos" or "Kristos" (Greek: CristoV) The Greek and Hebrew word "Christos" comes out of "Messiah" and mean the same thing: "The Anointed One."

For many years the "X" was understood by Christian clergy and as time passed, many Christians, educated or not, were not aware of the meaning. Over time the meaning became lost and was later perceived as a sign of disrespect.

This time of year we see many companies and the "Drive-by" media display "Happy Holidays" on banners, ads, and promotions. Many people meet and greet with the same phrase as an all encompassing term to avoid the Christmas phrase all together in this "Politically Correct" world. Some people view the shorthand of writing and speaking "Merry X-mas" as a way to remove Christ from the Holy celebration in December. Even though the conception of the season is watered down, the truth remains, the Christmas seasons is indeed a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Remember : Jesus is the reason for the season!

The Twelfth Day of Christmas!

Twelve Drummers Drumming refers to the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle's Creed!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Eighth Day of Christmas!

Eight Maids A-Milking refers to the eight Beatitudes!

(Beatitude - Eight blessed sayings of Jesus at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount.)

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Seventh Day of Christmas!

Seven Swans A-Swimming refers to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven Sacraments!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Fifth Day of Christmas!

Five Golden Rings refers to the first five books of the Old Testament, which gives the history of an's fall from grace.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Second Day of Christmas!

Two turtle doves refers to the Old and New Testaments of the Bible!

The First Day of Christmas!

My true love gave to me
A partridge in a pear tree.

True Love refers to God and his love for each of us!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Icon: Bettie Page April, 22 1923 - December, 12 2008

From poor Nashville, Tennessee girl to struggling secretary/actress to 50's pin-up to Playboy Centerfold to Notorious S&M model to Loner to Born-again Christian working for the Billy Graham Ministry to 10 year Psychiatric patient to Recluse to American Icon!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank GOD for our Veterans!

Please remember, thank, and pray for our veterans today, as well as, remember, thank, and pray for those still on the front lines for FREEDOM!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Re: [OBLIVION WATCH!] Socialism Wins!?!?!?!

You are right! And.... you have much more self control than me!
Jim Schimmel

---- **Big Dumb Animal** <dane73.oblivionwatch@blogger.com> wrote:

I hope that our first African-American President can do 2 things :#1 -
Give hope to all of the young African-American people that you can
achieve anything in America that you put your mind and hard work
into. #2 - That he will not be that "Socialist Liberal" that half of
the American people think that he is, and leads this country to a
better future for all Americans.

Posted By **Big Dumb Animal** to OBLIVION WATCH! at 11/05/2008 09:14:00

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Socialism Wins!?!?!?!

I hope that our first African-American President can do 2 things :

#1 - Give hope to all of the young African-American people that you can achieve anything in America that you put your mind and hard work into.

#2 - That he will not be that "Socialist Liberal" that half of the American people think that he is, and leads this country to a better future for all Americans.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An Historic Day for America and the World!

Today we will either elect our first woman as Vice-President or we will elect our first openly Socialist President!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I learn something new everyday!

According to Lewis Diuguid, of the Kansas City Star October 21st, 2008, That when McCain/Palin/Republicans/Conservatives say that Obama is a "Socialist" they are simply "Reaching back in history to use an old code word for black."

Every Time I think that I have heard it all.....I learn something new!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Why am I a "Racist" or "Whatever"?

I don't understand why I can not simply choose one Presidential candidate over an other without being labelled a "Racist"? What does that have to do with anything? I wish I was surprised by the willingness of a lot of people to label everyone else and cry foul when you label them or their candidate or cause or whatever. Evidently if you have nothing to offer in the "Arena of Ideas" then you simply must shout down your opponent with hate and lies! Oh, you don't agree with my candidate or my cause or my whatever, then you must be a "Racist", or a "Small Minded Red-Neck", or a "Hate-filled Whatever".

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A person of tolerance and diversity ran me off the road today!

As some of you may or may not know I have a pair of plastic bull testicles hang off of the bumper of my jeep. This decoration has been on my jeep for about five years. I bought them from a friend who owns a western wear store and sold these "ITEMS" to raise money and awareness for testicular cancer research.

Last Saturday I was riding in my Jeep with my family. I stopped at an intersection waiting on the light to turn green when this black convertible Mercedes pulls up beside me and this woman starts screaming at me and my family about the plastic hanging off my bumper. This woman used language that would make a sailor blush. She also had three little girls in this car and not one had on a seat belt. I just drove off and left her sitting at the intersection. As I approached the lane merger for my street she flew past me at at least 50 mph in a 35 mph zone and pushed me into the on coming traffic as so to avoid being hit by her car. She continued to pick up speed until she reached the next intersection and had to stop at a red light. As I approached the intersection she bolted before the light turned green as soon as traffic cleared enough for her to make her escape. The absolute best part of the entire ordeal was that as she sped away in her Mercedes-Benz with the three girls unbelted and holding for dear life is that she had an Obama 08' sticker on her bumper!

Sooo....A person of tolerance and diversity ran me off the road. Yet I was the one that was clearly in the wrong by hanging a piece of plastic off of my bumper. I am sure there is a lesson here. Let me know what you think. Send me your stories of liberal wackos at their finest.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Jim Schimmel

---- **Big Dumb Animal** <dane73.oblivionwatch@blogger.com> wrote:

I remember where I was and what I was doing this morning seven short
years ago! Do you remember? I hope that each and every one of us can
remember. I hope and pray that we never forget!

Posted By **Big Dumb Animal** to OBLIVION WATCH! at 9/11/2008 05:08:00

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remember where I was and what I was doing this morning seven short years ago! Do you remember? I hope that each and every one of us can remember. I hope and pray that we never forget!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008



"People should have one "meat-free" day per week if they want to make a personal and effective sacrifice that would help tackle climate change"

"In terms of immediacy of action and the feasibility of bringing about reduction in a short period of time, it clearly is the most attractive opportunity."

"Give up meat for one day (per week) initially and decrease it from there."

- Dr. Rajendra Pachauri -
Chair of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(The "Worlds leading Expert on climate change", Indian Economist, and Vegetarian)

UNBELIEVABLE NONSENSE is what U.N. is really short for!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How Lucky?

"I'm really lucky, I have a wife and a T.V. and they both work!"

- Charlie the custodian @ Owasso Mid-High School -

Friday, August 29, 2008

An HISTORIC day for America!

8/29/2008 John McCain picks Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Only 67 days until the election. Plenty of time for the "main stream" media to take "pot shots" at this incredibly brave, immensely talented and very conservative woman.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Is it real, a joke, a myth, or a monster tuck?

These two guys from Georgia are either the luckiest SOB's on the planet or are having one hell of a good time pulling this practical joke on the entire U.S. media. I don't want to sound like some nut case that has forgot to take his meds, but I am very sure that we have not found every living creature on the face of the earth. It would be very arrogant to say that we have found every species on this blue planet. It is very reckless to pretend that we have learned all that we need to learn and have discovered all that there is to discover about the United States much less the the entire world. It is kind of like assuming that because the climate seems to be shifting from the weather patterns that have been prevalent in the last 100 years, that we as humans have any effect on this at all. If you watch the Discovery Chanel or "READ" about history you will find that the climate, on this planet we call home, has been changing and shifting since the GOOD LORD made it. Ice Ages, Heat Waves, Floods, and Droughts have all been part of the ever changing world that we live on. When my dad was in High School the media was absolutely sure that he would see and live through the next "Ice Age", because the earth was "COOLING". So having said all of that I am sure that "BIGFOOT" is a joke, and a myth, and a monster truck. I am not sure if he is real, but hey, just what is real any way?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Chef is gone but not forgotten!

Isaac Lee Hayes, Jr - August 2oth, 1942 - August 10th, 2008

Singer, Song Writer, Musician, Record Producer, Arranger, Composer, Actor, Academy Award Winner, 3 Time Grammy Award Winner, and the voice of "CHEF" on South Park.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

100 years this month!

Federal Bureau of Investigation:

July 1908 - July 2008

30,000 employees

12,700 agents

8.7 Billion annual budget

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Who's in charge today? Oh, the "EXPRESS LANE NAZI"

The other day my son and I went to the grocery store to purchase some rice and to rent some movies for my wife who had came down with some sort of virus. After picking out some funny movies to keep our patient entertained to a couple of hours, we went on safari to find the box of rice that I needed to complete my chicken and rice soup. After several trips up and down several different isles we found our prize. The next thing I remember is my son asking me if I am OK. It seems that I my have "Blacked Out" for a brief moment after seeing the price of a 1 lbs. box of minute rice. Up to check we go. Upon arriving the "EXPRESS" 15 item or less lanes we find several people in line. No big deal, we have plenty of time. Unlike the lady behind us. While waiting our turn in line one of the "EXPRESS" checkers opens up, the lady behind me starts instructing myself to get in that line so we can get out of here before Christmas. I turn to tell this woman that there is an elderly lady still in line ahead of us when out of nowhere an older gentleman pushes his cart right up in front of everyone waiting in line ans proceeds to put his items up on the belt to purchase them. The "LADY/OBLIVION" behind me starts instructing the older gentleman that he has indeed cut in line and that he in no uncertain terms need to put his groceries back in his cart and get the hell back in line that this guy (pointing to me) is next in line not him! The older gentleman promptly apologized and gathered his items and reentered the "EXPRESS" line which has more than doubled in length since he made his terrible mistake of cutting in front of this "EXPRESS LANE NAZI". The "EXPRESS LANE NAZI" then instructed me to take his place in line, I was trying to persuade the elderly lady in front of me to go ahead of me, but she seemed concerned about making a wrong move in the presents of the "EXPRESS LANE NAZI" and refused to move up. Another lane opened and the elderly lady sprinted with her groceries to get checked out. I took my $5.00 box of minute rice to the open lane and proceeded to check before someone else felt the wraith of the "EXPRESS LANE NAZI"

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hind sight is 20/20!

"Sometimes when I look at my children, I say to myself, 'Lillian, you should have stayed a virgin.'"

- Lillian Carter -

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oklahoma Legend Lost!

The Rodeo Cowboy's Prayer:

Our gracious and heavenly Father, we pause in the midst of this festive occasion, mindful and thoughtful of the guidance that you have given us.

As cowboys, Lord, we don't ask for any special favors, we ask only that you let us compete in this arena, as in lifes arena. We don't ask to never break the barrier, or to draw around of steer that's hard to throw, or a chute fighting horse, or a bull that is impossible to ride. We only ask that you help us to compete as honest as the horses we ride and in the manner as clean and pure as the wind blows across this great land of ours.

So when we do make that last ride that is inevitable for all of us to make, to that place up there, where the grass is green and lush and stirrup high, and the water runs cool, clear, and deep -

You'll tell us as we ride in that our entry fees have been paid.

These things we ask - Amen.

Clem Rogers McSpadden - November 9th, 1925 - July 7th, 2008

Husband, Father, Rodeo Legend, & Former Oklahoma State Senator & Congressman

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Robert Anthony Snow

Husband, Father, political commentator, news anchor, radio host, syndicated columnist, White House Press Secretary, Conservative Icon.

June 1st, 1955 - July 12th, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Just what is a TRILLION dollars anyway?

- 1,000 minutes is equal to less than 17 hours
- 100,000 minutes is almost 70 days
- 1 million minutes is just less than 2 years
- 1 billion minutes is about 1900 years
- 1 trillion minutes is about 1,901,369 years

The total unfunded liabilities for Social Security and Medicare amounts to $41 trillion dollars.


www.boortz.com July 8th, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008


"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism."

- George Washington -

"And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what can your country do for you; ask what you can do for your country."

- John F. Kennedy -

"Fire arms are second only to the constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth."

- George Washington -

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

McCain a war criminal? What's next?!?!

While I am not a huge fan of John McCain, I will have to say that he is more in line with my thoughts and beliefs than any other candidate. I am starting to think the the "OTHER" political party in this race is more then a little intimidated by McCain. While scanning the news today I came across this quote on: cbs.com June 30th, 2008 Is McCain's War Record Fair Game? In this article (Thankfully) Retired General Wesley Clark states that he doesn't think that McCain's service as a fighter pilot and prisoner of war was relevant to running the country. OK, a little hypocritical since he ran for President strictly on his military record. Then on down in the article a sad piece of excrement on display for the world to see. Statement like: Critics have accused McCain of war crimes for bombing targets in Hanoi in the 1960's. A lot of people don't know that McCain made a propaganda film will in captivity. Getting shot down, tortured, and then doing propaganda for the enemy is not command experience. Then my personal favorite: Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military? With all of this mean spirited stupidity flying around all ready it looks like it is going to be a long campaign season. It really is no wonder that the best and the brightest do not want to run for the Presidency. Why would you put yourself or your family through this kind of "MUCK RAKING"?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Animal Rights Wackos!

It seems that the "OBLIVIONS" in Animal Rights Wacko clothing have taken a new approach to turn the entire world vegetarian. Instead of attacking citizens with buckets of red paint for wearing fur, they are instead singling out celebrities who have made statements that they...EAT MEAT!!!!! I know such a crime, right? It seems that Jessica Simpson is to be the first victim. Her crime besides eating meat? Wearing a t-shirt that states : Real Girls Eat Meat. June 29th, 2008 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/animal-rights-group-turns-its-fire-on-celebrity-meateaters-856591.html - Alistair Currie, Spokesman for PETA : "Jessica Simpson might have the right to wear what she wants but she doesn't have the right to eat what she wants - eating meat is about suffering and death. Some people feel like they are standing up against a tide of political correctness when they make a statement like this - what she really is doing is standing up for the status quo." WHAT?!?!?!? What planet does this idiot live on? What is worse is that the United Nations agrees with PETA, stating that "the best way to halt global warming is for the entire world to turn vegetarian." WOW!!!! These people need to get a life and stop harassing everybody with their stupidity!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I am thankful that some common sense has made its way out of the Supreme Court on this day, the 26th of June, 2008. The Supreme Court striking down the ban on hand guns in Washington D.C. and affirming the INDIVIDUALS right to bear arms is truly an historic day.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Where is the out cry?

I have noticed something on the news lately or the lack of news let's say. All of the flooding in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri and not one conspiracy theory that the "GOVERNMENT" was responsible for the damage to or the lack of levies in the flooded areas. It seems that somebody should be very up set that the "GOVERNMENT" did not have to be responsible for the evacuation of all the people in those states dealing with the flood. Where is the "MEDIA" out cry for these people being rooted from their homes by a 500 year flood? May be just maybe these people refuse to be "VICTIMS" and do not need to wait on the "GOVERNMENT" to rescue them. Then again it may just take more time before certain groups in these United States to realize they are missing a golden opportunity to get their faces on the "ole' devil box" and scream to high heaven about the injustice. Just a thought. What do you think?

Monday, June 23, 2008

The world is a whole lot less funny today.

Grammy Award winning comedian George Denis Patrick Carlin -
May 12th, 1937 - June 22nd, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

Why do we hate America?

I was buying groceries with my family this past weekend and I saw a vehicle with all kinds of "HATE STICKERS" on it. They said "9-11 was an inside job!", "Bush lied thousands died!", "Convict Bush for war profiteering!" and several others that I will not quote here. I do not like to admit it but it is not the first time I have seen those kind of stickers. It just seems to me that it has become very "COOL" or "HIP" to hate this country and I do not understand why. I will not pretend that this country is a perfect utopia by any stretch of the imagination, but I will say without a doubt that this is still and God willing it will continue to be the best nation on the face of the planet! I do not need a passport or permission from anyone (except my wife) to travel from state to state in this great nation. I can stand on any street corner and say anything I want to say about this country. I can also put all kinds of "HATE STICKERS" on my jeep and drive around pissing people off all I want. Try that in just about any other country and see how far you get. I am sad that all of the patriotism that was so abundant after 9-11-00 has already faded in not even 8 years later...... It makes me sad.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The scary truth!

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."


Monday, June 9, 2008


I took my family on a rare night out on the town. We went to a new movie, (not an old one at the "dollar" movie theater) and then went out to eat dinner (OK, pizza/pop combo $3.00 at Sam's club). While we are waiting for the movie to start, an "OBLIVION" two rows down from us gets a phone call and proceeds to sell a woman on his particular insurance at what seems like the top of his lungs. We are talking auto, home, and life. I am not sure if he thought the woman on the other end was that "slow" or he wanted to impress everyone in the theater, but as the conversation continued the louder he became. Then later after dinner, strolling through Sam' Club, we run into another one! This lady was having an entire conversation on her cell phone over the SPEAKER! She is either completely "OBLIVIOUS" to the fact that she is having an inappropriate conversation for everyone in Sam's to hear or she was just that desperate for attention that she needed to have all of Sam's patrons hear her conversation about having to put her mother in a nursing home because of a particularly gross and terrible illness! WOW!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Goin' Postal!

My local US Postal Office seems more like Wal-Mart everyday! By the way I hate Wal-Mart, but I will save that for another day! I go into the Post Office to mail some pictures of my son to the grandparents and I am confronted with a line of people the stretches all the way to the front door. My Post Office is equipped with no less than 4 stations for Post Office employees to handle traffic. As is always the case, (Just like Wal-Mart) only 2 of the 4 stations are open to handle said traffic. As the line slowly moves to the point that I am the next customer in line, 1 of the 2 Postal employees announces to her co-worker that it is time for her 15 minute break and she promptly puts out the "Next Window Please" sign and left 20 people waiting even longer to conduct their business! I am astounded how "OBLIVIOUS" these government employees can be. Not to sound like an "OLD FART" (I know, 2 months and several post too late for that!), but in the small town I used to live in, I never had witnessed this kind of behavior even on the busiest of days at the old Post Office. On days that had extra traffic, they would often open all windows to help with transactions until everyone had conducted their business and traffic returned to normal! Who woulda' thought it? Customer service......form the US Postal Services?

Monday, June 2, 2008

We will miss you!

Bo Diddley Dec 30, 1928 - June 2, 2008

You talkin' to me?

I see these OBLIVIONS walking around everywhere. You know the ones I mean. They are the people wearing these wireless blue tooth headsets with the "thousand yard stare" as if they look long and hard enough they will be able to see who it is with that they are speaking. If you own one of these contraptions, I am sorry but you look ridiculous, and you need to stop. No one cares that you are so busy/important that you can not be bothered to hold a phone up to your ear! Here is something else to consider, even the most direct and serious conversation can sound crazy, stupid, and even rude, when you are only hearing one side of the conversation. No one really wants to hear what you have to say anyway!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Overbearing College Sports Fans!

Overbearing college sports fans make me want to hit them in the head with a baseball bat! I love that people can be passionate about their favorite college sports team. The good Lord knows that I am very loyal to my Alma mater, and there is the difference between being loyal or passionate as apposed to being a complete tool. The other day I was wearing one of my many alumni shirts and some people behind me started having a very loud conversation about, how they would never attend "MY" college because "their" college was far superior in a particular sporting event. It struck me then, as it often does when I hear such ignorance, that these very loud and rude people could not have even attended, much less graduated from, a school of higher education, because I would hope that they would have been much more articulate in their argument over which college would be best to attend to receive the best education. Most overbearing college sports fans are OBLIVIOUS to the fact the you actually attend college to get an EDUCATION and earn a DIPLOMA in your field of study!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

"America will never be destroyed for outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."

- Abraham Lincoln -

"True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost."

- Arthur Ashe -

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Why do we listen? Why do we care?

USA WEEKEND May 16-18 - On the phone with...John Cusack - Question #5 - We know you are a huge baseball fan. How would you fix baseball if you were commissioner? Answer part one - "Take all the artificial turf out, and put real grass in every stadium." This, I have little problem with, just one mans opinion on real vs. artificial playing surfaces. Answer part 2 - "And get rid of the corporate influence, too. The fact that they could rename Wrigley Field to something like Diet Pepsi Park is like defacing a great temple." Despite the fact that I do not care for Mr Cusack's politics which is clearly anti-capitalist, I like him as an entertainer. Having said that, Cubs Park was renamed Wrigley Field in 1926 in honor of William Wrigley Jr. the chewing gum magnate and Cubs co-owner (1914-1916)(ballparks.com). I am hoping that none of my readers give any weight to what these "enlightened" actors have to say, outside of the world of entertainment. After all they are just entertainers. Why do we listen? Why do we care?

Finger Pointers!

People who point fingers in every other direction rather than at themselves and yell so that every person with in audible reach can hear the rhetoric they are vomiting everywhere always make me weary. In most cases I find that what ever it is that they are screaming about is just to deflect attention away from what ever it is that they are guilty of engaging in themselves. A friend of my told me, that his aunt had a saying, " You preach best, what you know best."

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"Jimmy Leg" at the restaurant!

While dining at one of the local Oriental Buffet restaurants last evening, with my wife and son, I had the distinct pleasure to eat my beef and broccoli all the while 4 teenage boys afflicted with Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) aka "Jimmy Leg"sat in the booth behind us. My side of the booth was trembling like a 4.0 earth quake at times during my lovely dinner with my family. It felt like at any moment that these poor boys, who where completely OBLIVIOUS to the Tsunami they had made in my wife's egg drop soup, would fall in the floor with some epileptic fit and emergency services would need to be called! But alas, neither Epilepsy or Touretts nor even RLS/Jimmy Leg was responsible for the booth shaking, just poor manners!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

COPS! (Just a rant)

I would like to make one thing perfectly clear before I start on this rant. I have nothing but respect for the men and women of law enforcement. COPS has been one of my favorite shows for years and they DO NOT get paid nearly enough for the crap they have to put up with. Having said that....why is it that I keep witnessing cops break just about every traffic law on the books! I see cops driving around talking on their cell phones weaving in and out of traffic with no regard for the posted speed limit or the use of a turn signal! I've seen local, county, and state cops speeding through school zones, construction zones and doing "California stops" through 4-way intersections just to name a few infractions. All of these "infractions" if witnessed by a cop would, with little doubt, pull you over and give you a ticket for each offense, especially during the long holiday weekend coming up!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lady will you please take your monkey outside?!

At the end of every work day, I have the pleasure to watch a small child run wild in my place of employ. Each and everyday this child runs and screams around the room much like the monkeys at our local zoo at feeding time! The entire time the child is reminding my last trip to the monkey house, his mother is walking around talking to other adults in the room, going about her end of day business, completely OBLIVIOUS to her very own howler monkey running wild, terrorizing everyone else in the immediate area!

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