Friday, March 9, 2012

KONY2012?!? What about USA2012?!?

I want to start off by stating that I am in no way trying to undermine the effectiveness or the legitimacy of the video about saving children in Africa.  Having said that, I personally am much more  concerned with the futures of the children right here in the United States of America and that we as citizens of the United States have a duty to stay focused and aware of the events unfolding this year in our own country.

I believe that the United States is at a crossroads. And at that crossroad one path leads to a United States of America that is prosperous and free and the other path leads to a United States that is unlike one we have ever seen. Down one path the United States will continue to be a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world, and continue to be a guiding example of freedom, prosperity, and generosity.  Where the children of these United States can have the hope and the understanding, that with hard work, determination, and a willingness to seize the opportunities of this great country, that they can achieve  greatness. Down the other path The United States becomes another example of what happens when government is left unchecked by its citizens.  A nation that will be a mere shadow of its former glory.    A nation that will follow in the steps of the likes of Greece and Spain.  A nation where the takers of the nation outnumber the earners.  A nation where the "RIGHTS" of the people are outweighed and trampled by the governments ability to take, at gunpoint, from one group of citizens and to give to another group of citizens, in the name of "fairness".

So I ask you to think about it like this.  I was once told by a preacher, "You get yourself right with the Lord before you go off worrying about everybody else in his house."  I think that is excellent advise.  We as a nation need to get our house in order before we go off worrying about what our neighbors are doing and we need to get our house in order before its too late.  Once we get our house in order and our futures and our children's futures are no longer in danger, then by all means, feel free to to worry and fret about the hundreds if not thousands of Konys out there and to send money to help make posters and like status updates with videos about said bad guys.  But until we get our "house" in order, pay attention to the freedoms we are losing.  Pay attention to our liberties that are being lost.  Pay attention to the pursuit of happiness that is getting harder to pursue.  Pay attention to what you are being asked to give up and at what cost.  Pay attention to what is happening to our children's futures.  Pay attention. Listen.  Ask questions.  Pay attention.