Sunday, June 29, 2008

Animal Rights Wackos!

It seems that the "OBLIVIONS" in Animal Rights Wacko clothing have taken a new approach to turn the entire world vegetarian. Instead of attacking citizens with buckets of red paint for wearing fur, they are instead singling out celebrities who have made statements that they...EAT MEAT!!!!! I know such a crime, right? It seems that Jessica Simpson is to be the first victim. Her crime besides eating meat? Wearing a t-shirt that states : Real Girls Eat Meat. June 29th, 2008 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/animal-rights-group-turns-its-fire-on-celebrity-meateaters-856591.html - Alistair Currie, Spokesman for PETA : "Jessica Simpson might have the right to wear what she wants but she doesn't have the right to eat what she wants - eating meat is about suffering and death. Some people feel like they are standing up against a tide of political correctness when they make a statement like this - what she really is doing is standing up for the status quo." WHAT?!?!?!? What planet does this idiot live on? What is worse is that the United Nations agrees with PETA, stating that "the best way to halt global warming is for the entire world to turn vegetarian." WOW!!!! These people need to get a life and stop harassing everybody with their stupidity!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I am thankful that some common sense has made its way out of the Supreme Court on this day, the 26th of June, 2008. The Supreme Court striking down the ban on hand guns in Washington D.C. and affirming the INDIVIDUALS right to bear arms is truly an historic day.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Where is the out cry?

I have noticed something on the news lately or the lack of news let's say. All of the flooding in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri and not one conspiracy theory that the "GOVERNMENT" was responsible for the damage to or the lack of levies in the flooded areas. It seems that somebody should be very up set that the "GOVERNMENT" did not have to be responsible for the evacuation of all the people in those states dealing with the flood. Where is the "MEDIA" out cry for these people being rooted from their homes by a 500 year flood? May be just maybe these people refuse to be "VICTIMS" and do not need to wait on the "GOVERNMENT" to rescue them. Then again it may just take more time before certain groups in these United States to realize they are missing a golden opportunity to get their faces on the "ole' devil box" and scream to high heaven about the injustice. Just a thought. What do you think?

Monday, June 23, 2008

The world is a whole lot less funny today.

Grammy Award winning comedian George Denis Patrick Carlin -
May 12th, 1937 - June 22nd, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

Why do we hate America?

I was buying groceries with my family this past weekend and I saw a vehicle with all kinds of "HATE STICKERS" on it. They said "9-11 was an inside job!", "Bush lied thousands died!", "Convict Bush for war profiteering!" and several others that I will not quote here. I do not like to admit it but it is not the first time I have seen those kind of stickers. It just seems to me that it has become very "COOL" or "HIP" to hate this country and I do not understand why. I will not pretend that this country is a perfect utopia by any stretch of the imagination, but I will say without a doubt that this is still and God willing it will continue to be the best nation on the face of the planet! I do not need a passport or permission from anyone (except my wife) to travel from state to state in this great nation. I can stand on any street corner and say anything I want to say about this country. I can also put all kinds of "HATE STICKERS" on my jeep and drive around pissing people off all I want. Try that in just about any other country and see how far you get. I am sad that all of the patriotism that was so abundant after 9-11-00 has already faded in not even 8 years later...... It makes me sad.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The scary truth!

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."


Monday, June 9, 2008


I took my family on a rare night out on the town. We went to a new movie, (not an old one at the "dollar" movie theater) and then went out to eat dinner (OK, pizza/pop combo $3.00 at Sam's club). While we are waiting for the movie to start, an "OBLIVION" two rows down from us gets a phone call and proceeds to sell a woman on his particular insurance at what seems like the top of his lungs. We are talking auto, home, and life. I am not sure if he thought the woman on the other end was that "slow" or he wanted to impress everyone in the theater, but as the conversation continued the louder he became. Then later after dinner, strolling through Sam' Club, we run into another one! This lady was having an entire conversation on her cell phone over the SPEAKER! She is either completely "OBLIVIOUS" to the fact that she is having an inappropriate conversation for everyone in Sam's to hear or she was just that desperate for attention that she needed to have all of Sam's patrons hear her conversation about having to put her mother in a nursing home because of a particularly gross and terrible illness! WOW!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Goin' Postal!

My local US Postal Office seems more like Wal-Mart everyday! By the way I hate Wal-Mart, but I will save that for another day! I go into the Post Office to mail some pictures of my son to the grandparents and I am confronted with a line of people the stretches all the way to the front door. My Post Office is equipped with no less than 4 stations for Post Office employees to handle traffic. As is always the case, (Just like Wal-Mart) only 2 of the 4 stations are open to handle said traffic. As the line slowly moves to the point that I am the next customer in line, 1 of the 2 Postal employees announces to her co-worker that it is time for her 15 minute break and she promptly puts out the "Next Window Please" sign and left 20 people waiting even longer to conduct their business! I am astounded how "OBLIVIOUS" these government employees can be. Not to sound like an "OLD FART" (I know, 2 months and several post too late for that!), but in the small town I used to live in, I never had witnessed this kind of behavior even on the busiest of days at the old Post Office. On days that had extra traffic, they would often open all windows to help with transactions until everyone had conducted their business and traffic returned to normal! Who woulda' thought it? Customer service......form the US Postal Services?

Monday, June 2, 2008

We will miss you!

Bo Diddley Dec 30, 1928 - June 2, 2008

You talkin' to me?

I see these OBLIVIONS walking around everywhere. You know the ones I mean. They are the people wearing these wireless blue tooth headsets with the "thousand yard stare" as if they look long and hard enough they will be able to see who it is with that they are speaking. If you own one of these contraptions, I am sorry but you look ridiculous, and you need to stop. No one cares that you are so busy/important that you can not be bothered to hold a phone up to your ear! Here is something else to consider, even the most direct and serious conversation can sound crazy, stupid, and even rude, when you are only hearing one side of the conversation. No one really wants to hear what you have to say anyway!