Sunday, June 29, 2008

Animal Rights Wackos!

It seems that the "OBLIVIONS" in Animal Rights Wacko clothing have taken a new approach to turn the entire world vegetarian. Instead of attacking citizens with buckets of red paint for wearing fur, they are instead singling out celebrities who have made statements that they...EAT MEAT!!!!! I know such a crime, right? It seems that Jessica Simpson is to be the first victim. Her crime besides eating meat? Wearing a t-shirt that states : Real Girls Eat Meat. June 29th, 2008 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/animal-rights-group-turns-its-fire-on-celebrity-meateaters-856591.html - Alistair Currie, Spokesman for PETA : "Jessica Simpson might have the right to wear what she wants but she doesn't have the right to eat what she wants - eating meat is about suffering and death. Some people feel like they are standing up against a tide of political correctness when they make a statement like this - what she really is doing is standing up for the status quo." WHAT?!?!?!? What planet does this idiot live on? What is worse is that the United Nations agrees with PETA, stating that "the best way to halt global warming is for the entire world to turn vegetarian." WOW!!!! These people need to get a life and stop harassing everybody with their stupidity!

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