Friday, June 5, 2009

Sam's 10 steps for survival:

Sam Walton the founder for Wal-Mart, had TEN rules for running a successful business. I think you can apply these rules to be a success at anything in life.

#1 - Commit to your business. Believe in it more than anyone does. Passion is at the top of the list of the skills you need to excel.

#2 - Share your profits with your employees. If you treat them as partners, together you will perform beyond your wildest dreams.

#3 - Motivate your partners. Set high goals, encourage competition and then keep score. Competition makes you better and stronger.

#4 - Communicate everything you possible can to our employees. You will be amazed at how a few snippets of information can transform a business into a powerhouse.

#5 - Appreciate everything your associates do for the business. Find ways to let your employees know that you value their contributions. Catch people doing a good job and let them know you notice.

#6 - Celebrate your success. Let people know their efforts have been successful and find some humor in your failure.

#7 - Figure out ways to get your employees talking and listen to everyone. Yes, you need to be heard. You also need to hear the other person's ideas, questions, and objections.

#8 - Exceed your customers expectations. Take care of the customers you have and they will take care of you by coming back and bring their friends.

#9 - Control your expenses better than your competition. Try to help your customers follow this rule. If you are not already watching your pennies, start now.

#10 - Swim Upstream. If everyone else is doing it one way, there is a good chance you can find your niche by going the opposite direction. Following the crowd leaves little room to maneuver.

Whether or not you like Wal-Mart, it is hard to argue with success. Wal-Mart just announced that it intends to create 22,000 new jobs in 2009. It is hard to argue with success.

Harvey Mackay, Tulsa World, 5-17-2009

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