Amen and Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: **Big Dumb Animal** <>
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2009 5:33:42 PM
Subject: [OBLIVION WATCH!] Mr President Why Do You Hate America
Mr. President why do you hate America? You run a campaign on change , but the only change I see is that you want to change America from a free Represenative Republic to a socialist/communist society that limits freedom and punishes achievement. You also ran your campaign on hope, but again I see no policies, beliefs, or leadership that inspires hope in anyone except for the takers and users of which you invoke wealth envy and hope that you will take away from the "RICH" and give to the "POOR". All that really means to me is that if you are a producer/earner of "WEALTH" then you are about to be penialized for your hard work and achievements. You put a Federal buget and spending plan together that will enslave my grand childern with more that 800 BILLION in yearly interest on the money you have planned to spend in you first and hopefully last term as President of the United States of America. You also make huge changes in the way things are run in Washington be putting most of the Clinton adminstration right back into cabnet positions. You then start gearing up talks with all of the enimies of the US, but refuse to sit down and talk to people in your own country that are not in the same political party and then tell everyone that you are trying to unit and cross pary lines to get "THINGS" done for all the "PEOPLE". You go on a trip around the world appologizing for the US of A and shake hands, bow down, and smile at every communist/socialist leader you can find and listen to them tell you how arrogant that Americans are and you just smile and nod in agreement. You accepted advise from as well as a gYou say that you want "AFFORDABLE" health care for everyone in America. Sir we already have the finest health care in the world for the dollars spent and don't tell me people are denied access to medical treatments because anyone can go to any E.R. at any hospital in America and will be treated for what ever his or her illness, regaurdless of the ability to pay. No, our health care system is not perfect but it is a hell of a lot better than the V.A. or Indian hospitals that the government is in charge of running currently!
Posted By **Big Dumb Animal** to OBLIVION WATCH! at 4/26/2009 05:07:00 PM
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