Saturday, May 30, 2009

What is a TRILLION DOLLARS anyway? Redo!

- 1,000 minutes is less than 17 hours

- 100,000 minutes is almost 70 days

- 1 million minutes is just less than 2 years

- 1 billion minutes is about 1900 years

- 1 TRILLION minutes is about 1,901,369 years

The total accumulated debt of the U.S. government stands at 63.8 TRILLION and counting!

I fear no one is listening!


According to usatoday.com (5-29-2009) : The average (tax paying) household has a 12% increase in federal debt this year due to an explosion of federal borrowing during the recession.

The government took on (spent) 6.8 TRILLION dollars in NEW obligations in 2008, pushing the total owed by the U.S. government to a record 63.8 TRILLION dollars.

Social Security will have an increase of 1 to 2 MILLION recipients per year through 2032. The average benefit in 2008 : $12,089

Medicare will have an increase of more than 1 MILLION recipients per year starting in 2011 when the baby boomers hit 65. The average benefit in 2008 : $11,018

Pension and health care programs for military and civil servants has an increase in unfunded obligation of 300 BILLION per year since 2003. The total to date : 5.3 TRILLION DOLLARS

Boy, let a white male nominee say something like that!

Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor (the first female Hispanic nominee) said in 2001 : "A female Hispanic judge would often reach a better decision then a white male judge".

On Friday (5-29-2009) President Obama flatly told NBC news : "I am sure she would have restated that".

No shit?

Better late than never?

Sen Richard Shelby of Alabama said Friday (5-29-2009) "The government should have allowed the marketplace to decide General Motor's fate and that huge federal stake in the company puts Washington on the road to socialism".

Well, no shit.

This begs another question. With the current agreement with GM's bondholders, the government would maintain about 75% ownership in General Motors, is it now Un-American to buy American?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

On this Memorial Day....

Remember the fallen as well as those who still serve!


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Markets Unstable? I can't imagine why?

For the past couple of months and really since the new CAFE standards for the automobile industry have been announced, the gas prices around here have been jumping up and down like a 1st grader on a three day sugar binge. Gas will jump up in nickles and dimes and then dribble down in pennies. Over the last week I have witnessed no less than THREE price changes in one day and not just increases. Example : Early morning prices for regular unleaded - $2.09/gal Mid day prices - $2.15/gal Evening prices - $2.08/gal Next morning $2.15/gal Mid day - $2.25/gal Evening prices - $2.14/gal. I have never seen anything like it. I hope you all have your BASH HATS. You are going to need them before we get though this.

That is the confidence our government inspires in our already struggling economy! All we need now is for the continued push to socialize 1/3 of the U.S. economy with a complete overhaul of the health care system.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The problem is COMPETENCE!

Competence : The quality of being competent; adequacy; possession of required skill, knowledge, qualification, or capacity.

The problem with this is that the current Presidential administration possesses none nor does it believe that the people of the United States of America possess any as well.

They do not believe that you are capable of choosing the right car to drive, the right food to eat, or the right doctor to see. We are headed down a dark path of compliance or elimination. You will comply or we will eliminate all other choices and you will comply.

You will drive a "golf cart". Your car will get 50 MPG, but it will not be safe to drive on any than other that a sidewalk. You will be a "vegan". If you are a female you will not be allowed to weigh more than 110 LBS at maturity and males will only be allowed to weigh 140 LBS at maturity no matter what your frame size. You will not be allowed see the doctor except for when and were the government tells you that you can.

The best part is that it will all be "FREE"..., BUT WE WILL NOT BE!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Here comes the Scorched Earth Policy!

Augustachronicle.com Thurday, May 7th 2009 - Rants and Raves : Comments from our readers :

"The Swine Flu is a plot by the right to kill off the poor, the old and anybody that doesn't fit their idea of a good American. Just watch out people it's going to get worse."

This is just the beginning of the crazy comments that are sure to come over the next 4 years.